Pegboard Hangers

Display Pegboard Hangers

Pegboards can be used to organize household items and people continue to use them because they are very easy and convenient to use. All you have to do is buy the pegboard panel of your choice from a hardware store, and you can choose from among wooden, plastic, or metal panels. Whatever the panel of your choice may be, you can install it to a wall in your home using a drill. What you get is an instant pegboard organizer where you can place things for an easier and more organized display.

What You Need to Hang

After installing the pegboard panel, the next step is to buy the display pegboard hangers.  Hangers are needed because pegboards are usually used to hang things in an orderly manner.  There are so many objects you can hang on a pegboard.  It doesn’t even have to be something that you typically hang like a frying pan or a broom. As long as you use the appropriate pegboard organizer tools, you can hang virtually anything on a pegboard. 

If you place the pegboard in a garage or a shed, you can hang objects like screwdrivers, wrenches, bolts, dustpans, rakes, and even floor mops.  If you place the pegboard in your bedroom, you can hang objects like handbags, jewelry, and even hair accessories.  If you place the pegboard in the laundry room, you can hang detergents, rubber gloves, clothes, and even ironing equipment.  Needless to say, pegboards can be used to hang all sorts of objects, which is why they are very useful and effective in helping people organize the things they have in the house.

Different Kinds of Hangers

There are many kinds of display pegboard hangers that can be used in organizing things, and among them are:

  • Different sizes and styles of plastic hooks
  • Different sizes and styles of metal or steel hooks
  • Bowl and plate hangers
  • Handbag hangers
  • Wire basket made of steel
  • T-shirt hanger made of metal
  • Supermarket display hangers
  • Double hooks

Considerations in Hanger Placement

It’s not enough to buy several display pegboard hangers and just place them randomly wherever you want to place them on the pegboard panel.  It’s important to consider how the pegboard panel will look like when everything is already hanged.  It’s also important to think about the placement of these objects and how they are arranged. 

For instance, heavier objects can be placed in the lower portion of the pegboard panel just in case they fall.  It is also important to place the objects closest to the areas where they are needed so they can be easily accessed.  To illustrate, placing the detergent container nearest to the washing machine will save you a lot of the trouble when you do your laundry.  The same principle applies to placing frying pans near the stove.  The key to hanger placement is to ensure that it helps make everything a lot more efficient and easy for you.

Display Pegboard Hangers